As farmers in our area move through the harvest season, perhaps grain is in on your mind. I was fortunate the last few months to profile for the Grain Journal a couple of accomplished industry veterans whose work took them around the world. If you have a few minutes, enjoy. Links are below. …
Some of you are looking for a one-of-a kind gift that will be passed to future generations. If that’s you, let’s talk. This is an ideal time of year to do a family history. Most are based on 5-10 hours of interviews with you and family members, which I write, we edit together, and then …
One more post on my Colorado excursion. International travel is one area I lack experience, but I’m told the “average Joe” in other countries gets a view of America from news accounts heavy on crime, violence and politics. I understand the news judgments, having been trained in the news business to look for such things …
Listen for the wheels rolling, or a bell ring followed by the words, “on the left.” That was a task for me last week when otherwise I might let my mind wonder aimlessly during walk breaks in a week focused on writing. Mile after mile of trails in Boulder, Colo., are actively used by residents …
At a social event last week, conversation turned to whether it’s possible we will soon see $2 a gallon gasoline. In our part of Illinois, it’s been as low as $2.29 in recent weeks on my travels. Gasoline is one price most every consumer knows since the retail prices are prominently posted in front of …
I snapped this picture in Effingham yesterday, one of seven Tesla charging sites listed in Illinois. These cars are priced out of the reach of many of us, but you have to wonder if this is the future, and how many years will it be until this picture is routine. One of the six charging stations …
I’m fortunate to have the opportunity to learn about some grain industry veterans for pieces published in the Grain Journal. These are top performers sharing many experiences. Below is a link to the second veteran profile published this year. bcc87bab-06e9-428b-bab0-47c0f0668b74
Today is opening day for the 99th year of the Lake Geneva mailboat. Once an integral part of a typical summer day at the lake, the tradition continues as part of a lake cruise boat. The young runners disembark through an opening in the front of the boat. They jump to a dock, leave newspapers …
Occasionally, I hear frustration with the students of today. This is not surprising considering how good and well behaved my generation always was in school. The modern student certainly has a high standard to follow, right? Alas, attached is one story that makes a point that each generation is different, challenging and exciting. …
Saturday night I found myself in an establishment full of Chicago Blackhawks fans. While they didn’t get the outcome they wanted on that particular evening, gosh did they have fun. It made me think just how crazy things will be when the Chicago Cubs make the World Series. It doesn’t look like this is the …